Wednesday, September 10, 2014

.@VickiBatman : I've been crafting and just call me Isadora #MFRWorg #PlottingPrincesses

As in Isadora Duncan, the dancer with the long flowing scarves!

Recently, a friend asked several of us if we would be her guinea pigs. She was interested in presenting a class on felting on silk. Always eager to learn new stuff, I said yes.

First, we studied her technique, then tied on our aprons, picked out a silk scarf, and laid it out on the table. She showed us how to place roved wool on the silk. Second, we wet it thoroughly, then agitated with a sander four times. Three, we rinsed in hot water and balled and flung our scarves 150 times. Four involved soaking in vinegar. Five used a conditioner soak. Six meant dry.

Here's mine: 

I picked a dark green hand dyed scarf and embellished with blue flowers topped with a scarlet center. The stems and leaves are light green. Wisps of brown are along the base of the flowers. 

This was an amazingly easy project, taking about 2 1/2 hours. Because the silk is so lightweight, the scarf dried quickly.

A close up of the flowers:

How did I do?  What is your favorite craft? 


Angela Adams said...

Kind of looks like leaves on the trees in my neighborhood park.

Unknown said...

Vicki, had a power outage and lost the net for an entire day. So here I am a day late, but not short on ideas.

Which craft do I love? If you put my feet to a fire, I guess I would still be tied between decoupage anything with a flat or semi-flat surface and crochet.

Lovely scarf. You did a great job :)