Thursday, March 14, 2013

Vicki Batman on Love Letters

Love Letters

Two days after Valentine's Day, I received a hand-written letter from Handsome. It is quite...beautiful.

After I finished re-reading it, I began to think about when was the last time I'd written a love letter or even a letter.


When my elderly neighbor moved to the East Coast to be near her family, I wrote letters quite frequently for I knew how much she'd cherished the ones her family had written. She read them over and over and shared bits of information with her close neighbors. I felt like I knew them like my own family. Picture here.

When I wrote her, I included articles from the local newspaper, especially if they pertained to people or places she was familiar with. Photographs were a must.

Other than my friend, I haven't written anyone a letter. I've sent birthday, Christmas, and congratulatory cards. But not a handwritten note.

I have to admit, I haven't written anything like this to Handsome. Not a missive that really conveys my feelings. It seems...embarrassing.

That should change. That will change. I'll write something he will--hopefully--cherish as much as I cherish his.

Have you received a love letter from your beloved or someone else near and dear? Have you sent a love letter lately?

Vicki Batman is staring at her bottle of diet Coke, contemplating another, and working on a fun holiday story. Find her at: or at: Her new story, San Diego or Bust will be released the end of March 2013.

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