Monday, June 18, 2018

Guest author Ann Everett on Handbag and Book - Bringing out the hotglue gun #crafting #accessories #readromance #RLFblog

I'm a big thrift store shopper and found this bag late last summer in a local resale shop.

It was new, but totally plain when I bought it. Then after $3.52 worth of braid from Hobby Lobby and a little hot glue, it went from plain to fabulous! 

Sometimes it takes losing everything to find all you've ever wanted. Welcome to Bluebird, Texas, where a chance meeting gives two people a chance at love.

Once seated on the bench, she ran her fingertips over the keys. Other than the few notes she’d hammered out at Ritter’s, she couldn’t recall the last time she’d played, but figured it was like riding a bike.  

Jessie scooted a chair closer, spun it around and straddled it. “Any time you’re ready.” 

“I should warn you. Apparently, I’ve had some bad breakups, so my songs are a bit on the—” 

“Sad side?” 

“No. More on the I’ll-write-a-song-to-get-even-with-you side.” 

Jessie chuckled. “I’m anxious to hear them.” 

“Okay, here we go.” 

When True finished all the verses, Jessie’s face had turned red with laughter. “That’s pretty cute. Got another one?” 

“Depending on how risqué you’ll allow me to be, here’s one I call, “There Was Nothing Between Us but Your Penis.” 

Jessie threw his head back, and belly laughed.  

She launched into song. 

Find "True" at: Website

Find Ann Everett at: Website
I love what you did with the bag, Ann! 


Angela Adams said...

Wow, Ann! That bag is awesome!!!

Vicki Batman, sassy writer said...

I love seeing this kind of creativity!

Melissa Keir said...

I'm jealous that you saw the bag and knew just what it needed to take it to fabulous! All the best with your book!

Emma Ames said...

Thanks, Angela, Vicki, and Melissa!
I appreciate you taking time to stop by and leave a comment. I'd love for y'all to visit my site and enter my "no strings attached"...nothing to buy, nothing to sign up for...Name the Twins Contest! Tell you friends. I really need names for these babies who appear in my next book. There's a $50 Amazon Gift Card up for grabs! You can enter via a comment here:
Thanks, Vicki for hosting me today!