Thursday, August 20, 2020

The Wee, Small Things #flowers #friendship #nature #books

Yesterday, I heard the song "In  the Wee Small Hours of Morning," and my head went to "wee" because right now, the little things mean so much.


A friend bringing me flowers    

A game or two or three of mahjong

A little green anole on the pool fence

A tiny toad hopping around when I watered new plants

A hydrangea blooming for the first time

Rain (but the storm was anything but wee)

Handsome to laughing

Adora-poo kisses      


And the best one of all:

My granddaughter coming over for a swim

Right now, our world is challenged. Many of you are trying to manage families, school, health. But I hope for all of you that when a wee, small thing comes your way, it brings you a smile. Maybe it's a cookie or chocolate. Maybe it is clean laundry. Whatever it might be, I wish you happiness. 

Maybe the wee, small stories full of fun and possibilities brings you a smile:

Raving Beauty: What if the love of your life was in front of you all along?

Store Wars: The competition is heating up when Janie's old flame returns to town and is running his family's store. Could following dreams break her heart?

San Diego or Bust: When a young woman plans a romantic getaway with her boyfriend, disaster strikes. Is her Mr. Right the right Mr. Right?

Find your own Sommerville days at: Amazon & KU


Marsha said...

Hey, Vicki. What a sweet post. Something we need to be reminded of right now. Take note of the "wee" things good in our lives. I've shared.

Vicki Batman, sassy writer said...

Thank you, Marsha! Sometimes, we get so busy, we don't notice the small things. They do add up!

Pamela S Thibodeaux said...

What a sweet, sweet post and so true, Vicki! The little things mean SO very much right now - and should, always.

Good luck and God's blessings

Vicki Batman, sassy writer said...

Hi, Pam! Today while on my morning walk, I listened to a BBC podcast about a terrorist on a plane and how the passengers subdued him. What one man said really struck me even though I had heard it many times before--live each day to the fullest. The small everyday things of life are as important as the big things.