Thursday, August 26, 2021

Blog: Vicki Batman - What to keep? What to toss?

What to keep? What to toss? 

Usually with a move, people clean out their stuff. The boxes in the closet. The old clothing. Toys. Books. 

Several years ago, we remodeled our 1946 home. It still had the 1946 bathrooms and kitchen which didn't work for the family. The living room was tiny. The adjacent bedroom was large. We decided to make it a family room and open it up to the kitchen. 

I went through so much stuff and we sent it to storage while we lived in our standalone garage with an apartment. 

But now, #1son and #2son have places of their own. And did they ever leave stuff behind. Plus, I have a two-year-old granddaughter and she needs toys to play with when she visits. 


I removed four large bags of trash which contained old school work, bank statements, broken toys, old computer parts and cords which I swear multiply like rabbits. Old books were boxed. Anything I didn't want was donated. 

However, I especially wanted to find a few things I saved on purpose--the Legos. Only I didn't find them. We had special Lego boxes, bases, Duplos, Lego Star Wars kits, etc. Scads of the darn things. 

My granddaughter is building and experimenting and I know Duplos would be perfect for her. So imagine when I finished the closets and did not find any. Nope. Nada. Not a one. 

I sos-ed my sons--no idea. I cried in a text with my sisters. They sympathized. 

My recourse?   

Since I really wanted duplos for her, I had to replace what was missing. And my sister gave me the ones she had saved. 

I filled the toy room with the treasures from mine and my sons childhoods and added lots of new goodies. I'm glad the closets are clean now. And the mystery of the missing legos will probably never be solved. 

After all that hard work, now what? Time to read. 


-I loved it! It was a very entertaining and a fast read that kept me engaged throughout. The pacing was perfect. My only complaint is now I'm craving M&Ms and enchiladas. And donuts. And wedding cake. 

-I laughed. I wondered. Then I laughed some more. Every page of Temporarily Out of Luck delivers a satisfying story and heartfelt humor. Don’t miss this great read!

-Between a new job at a bridal shop, serving as her sister Tracey’s maid of honor, and learning to tango with hot cop Allan Wellborn, Hattie Cooks has her hands full. But when Tracey becomes the primary suspect in her ex-husband’s murder, Hattie knows it’s up to her to ensure her sister a happily ever after. Temporarily Out of Luck is the perfect pairing of romantic romp and cozy mystery.   



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Marsha said...

Hey, Vicki. I've done this process a several times in recent years with our downsize we did, but we never got rid of enough. Oh, finally we moved out of the storage room, but then our garage was stuffed. I worked on the garage, then my husband moved home to work partly here and partly in the office. The garage is full again with his boxes, and I counted 20 boxes in our house. But he's busy working and doesn't have time to go through. Now, I'm glad he's working so much, but geeze, will be ever get rid of the boxes? Well, he's happier working, so I try not to complain. I wasn't familiar with the game you were looking for. I love that you could make a whole room for your grandchild. :)

Vicki Batman, sassy writer said...

Hi, Marsha! We went through the boxes from the office and right now, they are stored at a storage facility. I don't want to ever go thru those.

Pamela S Thibodeaux said...

I HATE to move! Right now I have a storage unit filled with stuff I had at my dads house I need to go through UGH... One day.

Great post.
Good luck and God's blessings

Vicki Batman, sassy writer said...

Ya moving is tough. I like unpacking.

Chrys Fey said...

Moving is such a pain, but I do enjoy going through my things and donating or tossing out what I don't need or use. I like it so much that I do it a lot. lol

I love that you were able to fill your granddaughter's toy room with treasures from your and your sons' childhoods.

Vicki Batman, sassy writer said...

Hi, Chrys, and thank you. Little One visited last Saturday. She really loved the duplo blocks. She sat the dolls in a semi-circle. And the funniest, she asked, "what's that?" about a lot of things.