Thursday, February 21, 2013

PP Vicki Batman on Cuddle Up!

Cuddle up

With weather changing and the arrival of spring, I began thinking of where and how I like to read.

-On a couch, fire burning, a lap robe. A hot drink on the coffee table, a bowl of popcorn and my kitty warming my feet.

-Teeth-chattering cold. In bed, lots of blankets, down comforter, pillows piled behind my head. My cat under the covers and curled by my side.

-A lounge chair by a body of water. Grass underneath my feet. Cold bottle of diet Coke, soft breeze to stir the heat away.

 -A comfy chair in a hotel lobby, tucked in a corner.
I can read pretty much anywhere, any time. I love to read and usually have a book within reach. One in the car, one by my bed, one downstairs, and sometimes, one in my handbag (although my Kindle is probably going to replace that).

I've seen people reading their phones, their computers, e-readers, and yes! even from real books. Reading consumes us, taking us to new places and introducing us to new people, new ideas, new themes.

What's your story? Where's your favorite place to curl up?

Vicki Batman likes nothing better than a diet Coke, a good book, and a bag of Cheetoes to spend a day. Find her at: Or at: Find her books at: Amazon ; Smashwords ;  BarnesandNoble

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