Monday, September 24, 2018

Bag and Book: author Alanna Lucas - An Emotional Connection #historicalromance #StarWars #Disneyland

I love my handbags! They range in size, color, function, and sophistication. I don’t choose my bag because of a particular designer, it’s more of an emotional connection for me.

One of my favorites is my Star Wars backpack purse. I was at Disneyland with my kids and stepmom when I saw this purse. I let out such a squeal that I startled the people around me. I just knew I had to have it! It’s blue—my favorite color, and it has adorable Star Wars characters all over it—what’s not to love?

A Marquess in Waiting and the Cursed Heiress…
The ton is abuzz and mamas are lining up their daughters; identical twins Maximus and Lucius St. Albans are making their entry into society. But they’re not just eligible―they’re the missing grandsons of the Duke of Warrington, stolen as infants.
However, Maximus doesn’t relish the battle with his cocky, reprobate brother to be the next Marquess.  And he has no time for the simpering misses now vying for his attention. Only Miss Sabina Teverton has his interest.
She was resigned to life as a spinster but from the moment Sabina meets Lord Maximus, her heart is torn. She dreams of a match with him―but how can that be when she’s been branded as cursed…and she knows secrets of that night long ago when Maximus and his twin were snatched from their cradles?

 “Oh,” she gasped. “I…” Her words halted as she glanced up at him. Warm vanilla encircled them.
Maximus stared into the most enticing eyes he’d ever seen—one emerald green, one deep brown. Her compelling eyes riveted him in place as his heart pounded against his chest. 
Time halted, and energy surged between them. She stared at him with a tender longing. 
Who was this woman?
Countless moments later, the lady spoke. “I apologize for ruining—”
“You didn’t ruin anything,” he quickly reassured her, but couldn’t the find words to say more.
Her mouth curved into a beautiful smile, revealing matching dimples, which sent a whirlwind through his world. He’d always had a fondness for dimples. “I…I best be returning to my party.” 
“I suppose I should release you,” he said with reluctance.
“Yes, I suppose,” the words brushed past her pink lips with the same reluctance. 

Find When the Marquess Returns at: Amazon
Find Alanna Lucas at: Website


Alanna Lucas said...

Thank you for having me today!

Vicki Batman, sassy writer said...

My pleasure!

Melissa Keir said...

Love the bag. So cute. All the best with your release.

Alanna Lucas said...

I love my bag :-) Thank you for stopping by!

Angela Adams said...

Your bag is the perfect accessory for a school field trip, Alanna! Best wishes with your new release!!!

Alanna Lucas said...

I was the chaperone on my son's field trip last week and the bag was a hit! Thank you!

Vicki Batman, sassy writer said...

I can imagine lots of kids liked it.

Alanna Lucas said...

I'm always amazed by how many people stop me and ask about it, and not just by kids!