Monday, November 19, 2018

Book and Bag: Marilyn Baxter - Handbag Must Have #newanthology #contemporaryromance #doglover

I’ve had this handbag for about ten years, and I bought it at a craft fair while I was visiting my sister for a week one summer.  I have handbag standards, and this one met those standards in spades. 
A handbag MUST have pockets, and this one has nine.  NINE!  There are pockets on the outside and all around on the inside.  I can be SO organized with this purse.  And it’s a backpack purse too so I can hitch it onto my shoulders and my hands are free.  It’s made of a heavy upholstery-type fabric and there’s hardly a sign of wear on it.  It was pretty much love at first sight and even though it was pretty pricey, it has turned out to be a great investment.

From “Almost a Hero” in the anthology RESCUED - When a hurricane threatens St. Magnus Island, deputy sheriff, Noah Tindall finds Lucy Jansen home alone. She hasn't evacuated along with all the other residents, and the reason - her foster dog is giving birth. Six pups later, Noah convinces Lucy to go to his home on higher ground. No power, a tornado warning, and cramped quarters make for intimacy neither want, but both end up craving. Forever.

 “I can’t force you to leave short of arresting you, putting you in cuffs and throwing you over my shoulder.” He raised a brow as he thought about how much he’d love to let out his inner caveman.

Her expression remained stoic, and while he hadn’t wanted to frighten her, perhaps it was time to make her realize the gravity of the situation.

“Dolly is a category one hurricane right now. And she’s set to make landfall in about seven hours or so right at high tide. That means about ten feet of cold, nasty salt water, maybe more, will come rushing up the beach, across that road and right into this house. And nothing will stop it. At that point you won’t be able get out and the water level will rise to…” He glanced up to note the ceiling height. “This room will be like a giant salt water aquarium, and you’ll be Dory.”

Noah saw the moment the risk finally pinged on her radar. A lone tear spilled down her cheek, and he felt like an ass. But she had to understand the consequences of remaining here.

“Do I have time to pack?” Her voice trembled, and her throat worked as she swallowed. “I need to put a few things into an overnight bag.”

He could give her some time, but not much.

Find RESCUED at: Amazon

Find Marilyn Baxter at: Website


Angela Adams said...

Love the convenience of your handbag! Thanks for sharing, and best wishes with your anthology!!!

chris keniston said...

I am so with you Marilyn- pockets are a must on the outside ! I can grab my phone and find my keys in a heartbeat - Inside needs to have compartments AND pockets- so My sunglasses and reading glasses are easy to find and my other cra--er wonderful stuff isn't buried on the bottom :)

congrats on the book!

Melissa Keir said...

What a pretty bag and I love the story blurb! You had me at puppies!

Marilyn Baxter said...

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one with stringent handbag standards, Chris! And thanks, Angela and Melissa, for commenting.

Pamela S Thibodeaux said...

Love the handbag!
Your book sounds like a great story.
Good luck and God's blessings