Thursday, April 04, 2019

Handbag and Book with Leona Bushman: Darkest Valentine What does one do when seeing a crochet pattern? Get #crafting #readromance #MFRWauthor

I made my bag. Saw a pattern and loved it. So I crocheted it. It’s a messenger bag. I added a button for my personal aesthetic.

The bag is 8x8x2 inches with a long strap. It's made with 3 strands size 3 crochet thread. It's one of my favorite purses ever. The purple is size 10 crochet thread and is some my grandma gave me, so the purse is extra special to me. I love the handiness of it.  I want to make so many colors. :)

Death and destruction haunts The Dark Duke. Left unchaperoned and stranded, Lady Lillian Lancaster has no choice but to find her way home, and quickly before her reputation is ruined. Betrayed by those closest, she’s forced to trust the daring rogue who rushes to her rescue.

More about Leona Bushman: USA Today bestselling author Leona Bushman is a crazy writer taught by dragons and known as Dragon Queen of the North. She loves to write and paint, even when her muse tries to muck things up. She chases after the three out of the five children still at home, and sometimes after the other two and the grandbaby around her freelance editing jobs. She has many hobbies like SCA, painting, quilting, sewing, and gardening. Or, as one blogger succinctly put it, Leona Bushman is a whirlwind made of sheer will with a dash of clumsy to keep her grounded.

She can be found solving mysteries, exploring space, making art, and loving dragons and other creatures of the supernatural at these places
Red, White or Blue? Blue
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter? All of them… Maybe spring?
Chocolate pudding, cake, pie? Cake.
Coffee, Tea, Champagne? Coffee.
Country music or Michael Buble? Buble
Pencil or Pen? Depends. Drawing, def pencil. Writing, Pen.

Find Darkest Valentine at: Vendor
Find Leona Bushman at: Website


Cathy Brockman said...

Beautiful bag and that you used thread your grandma gave you was so sweet.

Vicki Batman, sassy writer said...

Hi, Cathy! So nice to see you today.

Leona said...

Thank you :)