Monday, April 01, 2019

Handbags, Books...Whatever: Happy Proposal Day? or Happy April Fool's Day? #proposalgonewrong #ringonherfinger #MFRWauthor

For most of us, proposals are happy. Nowadays, destination proposals are the thing. Some take place at the Eiffel Tower, Central Park, the fifty-yard line on the alma mater's football field.

Alas, I didn't have a proposal quite like that.

Handsome and I had been dating for a while and I had an awareness something was going to happen. But on the night I thought he'd asked, a friend decided to come with us to a movie. Neither of us said anything.

The next night rolled around. We were watching tv at my apartment. He gathered me into his lap and asked me to marry him. I said yes!

It wasn't until later that I realized he'd asked me on April Fool's Day. Oh no!

I began to question the question. Did he really mean to ask what he'd asked? I had to know for sure.

The next day, I gathered a lot of courage. And said, "I need to ask you something." "Okay." "You know how yesterday was April Fool's Day?" "Yes." "Did you mean to ask me what you asked me on April Fool's Day?"

He grinned.

My heart stopped for what seemed like an eternity. Finally, he said, "Yes."

Relief blew through me.

Inspiration for a story can be anything. For example, once I attended his alumni's board meeting. We'd just returned from a short trip and turned around to go to this one. As I unpacked, I realized I'd forgotten my little black dress.

And yes, that was the inspiration for "With This Ring," a very short story from Just Desserts...and other stories.

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Sandra Dailey said...

Oh, Vicki. I would have been so nervous, too. I'm glad it worked out for you.

Vicki Batman, sassy writer said...

Thank you, Sandra. Can you imagine having to ask him to ask again the next day? I can do so many things with being fearful, but that one was really hard for me. LOL

Melissa Keir said...

I love this story of your proposal! He knew all along what he was doing and it was memorable. :)

Anonymous said...

Great story, Vicki. Love the red handbag.


Ilona Fridl said...

Wonderful post! I understand April Fool's Day, since it's my birthday. I've always been ragged about that.

Vicki Batman, sassy writer said...

Hi, Melissa: He had that funny little quirky grin when I asked him to reask. LOL BTW, he asked yesterday and I said ask me tomorrow which he did. LOLOL

Vicki Batman, sassy writer said...

Hi, Mary! Isn't that a gorgeous bag? I just love red. I have an Enid Collins one that is pretty too. Hugs.

Vicki Batman, sassy writer said...

Hi, Ilona! How crazy April 1 is your birthday. So people must have asked if you were a mistake. Lordy.