Thursday, July 25, 2019

What's old is new? What's new? #vintagehandbag #boymeetsgirl #smalltownromance #MFRWauthor

I love Margaret Smith of Maine handbags. I have several, too. A while back, I had to let go of one I absolutely love. I loved it because it was red, lot of red flowers. There were way too many worn out edges. Not a problem, I thought. 

I was wrong. 

I kept hoping another exact red one would magically appear on ETSY or eBAY. Nope, not a thing. 

Rather disheartening. And then this baby showed:

You can see why I love this new handbag. Lots of vibrant colors. A super great size. Extremely light weight. A small zipper pocket on the inside. 

And as for what's new?

It's a new book! Sommerville days...  Love blossoms in the small town of Sommerville in these heartwarming tales, filled with fun and forever possibilities.

Store Wars: The competition is heating up when Janie's old flame returns to town and is running his family's store. Could following dreams break her heart?

Raving Beauty: What if the love of your life was in front of you all along?

San Diego or Bust: When a young woman plans a romantic getaway with her boyfriend, disaster strikes—is her Mr. Right the right Mr. Right?

Immerse yourself in this book at: Amazon & KU


Pamela S Thibodeaux said...

I'm not a purse lover. Plain and practical for me LOL!
New book looks great.
Good luck and God's blessings

Borboleta Bag said...

Looking amazing this flower design bag. thanks for sharing this beautiful design.