How were your holidays? I can't complain. We had our kiddoes and family over, but the most fun was playing with my five-month-old granddaughter. She got a kick out of her See n Say. A little different version from the one my boys played with-smaller and uses a battery. She stuffed gift wrap paper in her mouth.
How's your health? I had surgery on the first of December and have laid low. I had some pain for a while, no energy for a while, but somehow managed to get a shower and fix my hair every day. Contacts and makeup were optional. LOL

How's your reading? Oh my, I got such a great gift for Christmas-a Paperwhite. Years ago, I bought a kindle and found a clip-on reading light. A week after the purchase, the Paperwhite debuted. I am a granddaughter of the depression and do not like wasting money; so I stuck with the Kindle and the light. My #1son saw what I'd cobbled together and bought me a new one. The best news evah? I've read tons of books. The light is so helpful. Meanwhile, I berate myself over why did I wait?
Have you discovered marshmallow Oreos? I found them and was hoping for more. :(
How's my writing? Two new projects are coming in 2020! And Sommerville holidays did very well in sales. Just in case you missed this bundle of fun:
Hopes and wishes and holiday kisses...Sommerville holidays.
Holiday Disaster: Days before Christmas, a librarian experiences plumbing issues and visits from Mr. Maintenance Man who isn’t nearly as jolly as Santa Claus.
The Littlest Angel: Two people. One ornament for the tree. Can a twosome find common ground and discover the true meaning of Christmas?
Holiday Handbag Extravaganza: Christmas Countdown is on! A hunk-a-licious customer pesters a boutique owner to locate a vintage handbag for his mother. Too bad the wedge between them is his sister, the meanest girl in town.
Find your reading fun at: Amazon
It almost reads like you were talking to yourself. LOL
I hope you heal quickly from your surgery.
Good luck with your release and I wish you many sales.
LOL. Thank you for stopping, Janice. Just ruminating. We shall see what happens with the books later this year. :)
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