Thursday, April 16, 2020

Handbag and Book: with #author Laura Haley-McNeil and her #newbook Call It Love #MFRWauthor #wedding

I love it when summer arrives and I can pull this purse out of my closet. This purse reminds me that winter has passed and it’s time to enjoy warm weather, long walks on the canal near my home and planting flowers in the gardens that have looked so sad all winter because they’re littered with the remains of last year’s flowers. 

Fortunately, this purse is supersized, and maybe not so fortunately, looks like the purse is wearing me, but it’s a favorite because it easily holds all the paraphernalia I drag around with me, when is especially helpful when I travel.

I hope you’re enjoying lovely weather in your part of the world and that if your next season is summer, I hope it’s fabulous! 

Struggling actress Addison Duvall hustles background acting jobs at the Hollywood studios in hopes for her big break. Then she’s cast as the stand in for the lead actress in a spy film, and the surprises rush inher test shot is with megastar Spencer Kingsley. When the director yells, “Action!”  she and Spencer kiss.
Behind Spencer’s façade hides the secret no one suspects. He loves risk except but won’t risk his heart. He and Addison have chemistry onscreen and off. She seems genuine.
Once Addison’s star rises, so do Spencer’s doubts. She’s like the others looking for the connection to catapult their careers. He has to protect his heart. His decision made, Spencer wishes her success.
But it’s too late. How does he heal this Addison shaped hole in his heart? Should he risk more heartbreak for another chance at love?

More about Laura Haley-McNeil: Laura Haley-McNeil is an award-winning author of romantic suspense and women’s fiction in novel length and in short stories. Her work has been featured in several women’s magazines. She has studied piano and ballet and has been a board member for two community orchestras. She and her husband reside in Colorado. When she isn’t writing, she jogs, bicycles and crochets.

Answer these questions:

Red, White or Blue? White. I’d decorate my house in white if my husband would let me.

Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter? I can only pick one? Then I’ll go with summer. I love the fresh smells, the blooming flowers and trees and the gardening because it gives me a chance to be outside.

Chocolate pudding, cake, pie? Can I choose frosting? If not, then I’ll choose cake because I’m a frosting fiend. When the office celebrates my birthday, I don’t get a cake. I get a can of frosting.

Coffee, Tea, Champagne? If it’s Starbucks coffee, then I’m all in. I can’t resist anything that had chocolate in it.

Country music or Michael Buble? I like them both, but Michael Buble is pretty cute and what a fabulous voice!

Pencil or Pen? I have to go with pen, particularly blue and particularly a .7mm blue gel pen. It’s the only pen that makes my chicken scratch penmanship look halfway decent.

Find Call It Love at: books2read 

Find Laura Haley-McNeil at: website


Laura Haley-McNeil said...

Hi, Vicki! It's wonderful to visit you on your handbag site. Thank you for sharing my new book, Call It Love, with your followers. Be well and safe!

Laura Haley-McNeil

Vicki Batman, sassy writer said...

So happy to have you visit, Laura!