Thursday, July 30, 2020

Handbag & Book - Aren't the Simple Things Worth It? #firstbirthday #cutemeetstories #simplethings

Last Sunday, Handsome and I went to our granddaughter Julia's first birthday party. The gathering was simple and sweet-family. And probably exactly what the doctor ordered for a first birthday. We spread our picnic blankets apart and watched our darling one eat her first lemon cupcake and discover her new toys. 

Handsome and I put together her first Flintstone-powered Jeep (who knew there would be so many construction challenges?), complete with a drop-down tailgate and two cupholders. LOL. I see lots of pushing by the parents for a while.

She also received a bubble lawnmower. The bubbles enthralled her.

As we sat, ate cake!, and visited, a dragonfly landed on my handbag. He measured about three inches and was a colorful blue. I've been carrying a vintage Margaret Smith one. The bag is constructed of a colorful flowery fabric and probably is what attracted the dragonfly. I would brush him away and he would return. I was able to wiggle my finger under his body. He sat on my finger for a while, then flew away. I marveled at holding a dragonfly. Truly, a simple pleasure.

And on Tuesday, we had rain. Sometimes, a nice hard one and sometimes, a gentle shower. The gray sky, the sound of the rain plopping--sigh. Hard to not grab a good book, a favorite beverage, and snack for reading on the couch. 

Handsome is traveling this week. For lunch, I want popcorn. Simple and delicious.

Do you relish the simple things in life? 

Simple, fun, cute-meet stories sure to tickle your fancy. Find Sommerville days at: KU and Amazon

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