Thursday, March 25, 2021

Handbag and Book: Vicki Batman-Happy Proposal Day, er, Happy April Fool's Day?? #newbook #AprilFoolsDayproposal

April Fool's Day always gives me the tickles for that is the day Handsome proposed marriage. I think he thought about the day before; however, a friend invited himself to tag a long on our movie date. But it's okay. I just don't think he even knew what day he proposed on. Handsome is one smart guy. I think the whole idea of April Fool's Day wasn't on his radar at that time. You know, sorta like tunnel vision.

So, he did ask, and I said yes. However, I had to be sure. All day long, my head was occupied with how to ask him. I didn't want to look like an idiot, nor did I want to chase him off. I slid next to him on the couch,  gathered my courage, and said, "Um, I have a question."

Narrowing his brow, Handsome tilted his head. "Okay."

I studied the buttons on his shirt placket. My heart pounded like Keith Moon using the bass pedal. "You know the-the thing you asked me l-last night?" I peeked from under my lashes. He grinned.

"Did you mean it?"

He kept me in suspense for a good minute which felt like an hour. Answer. Answer. Answer, dammit. LOL.

The corners of his mouth barely tipped up. "Yes."

Whew! "Okay. Good, because, you know, yesterday was April Fool's Day, and I wanted to be sure."

He got a nice kiss for that.

What I'm pretty sure was most proposals didn't take place on April One. Those beaus were using their noggin', or for the ones who did, maybe they thought they could get out of it. All I know was I felt tortured until I knew for sure. 

Happy April Fool's Day, er, Proposal Day, Handsome!

More Romance Fun and Murder with Hattie and Allan in:

Will there be a happy ever after? Find out at: 




Marsha said...

Hey, Vicki. Loved your proposal story. I'd have been doubtful like you. Glad the story had an HEA! I shared. :)

Pat Amsden said...

I would‘be had to check as well😊

Pat Amsden said...

I would‘be had to check as well😊

Vicki Batman, sassy writer said...

Oh Pat, I was a nervous Nellie.