Thursday, April 25, 2019

Handbags, Books...Whatever: Vicki Batman on Oh Woe is Me! #MFRWauthor #romanticcomedy #computerissues

Yea, Monday was problematic for me. 

I began working away and all of the sudden, what was that, oh no, the computer, specifically Office stopped. I found I could access email via Chrome-not my fav.

Tearing my hair out came to mind. 

I knew fixing was above my skill set; so I set off for Best Buy and Geek Squad. Yah, no luck shown on them either as I got a phone call they would have to reinstall. Mentally, I had prepared myself this could happen. 

Whenever I have computer issues, a small part of me panics. I fear I will lose books and stories even though I back up. So before I went to BB, I did a download. 

BB did a download too which was comforting to know. I probably could have reinstalled Office (I am pretty sure I've done this before). Sometimes, it is more comforting to know professionals have your back--right?

I was told the computer would be ready on Friday and readied myself with some chores I'd put off, books to read, laundry to wash. Only I got a call on Tuesday night the computer was ready!!! Great rejoicing. 

I picked up and the tech and I did some work. His downloading of my files went waaayyy faster than mine would have. I played around and did some other work. All looked perfect. I came home and added my virus protector. 

Crisis over!

Maybe I'm just getting better at this stuff. This laptop is my first. I had desktops for years; however, with traveling, impossible to work. (Maybe that was a good thing. LOL.)

What sends you into crisis mode?

I'm thinking JUST DESSERTS...and other stories is perfect when in crisis mode. You'll laugh a lot. 

Find yours at these vendors:


Sandra Dailey said...

You hit close to home with me, Vicki. My laptop is also having issues. I still have my desktop, but I hate being chained to the desk. Wish me luck. Good luck to you.

Vicki Batman, sassy writer said...

Good luck, Sandra! So far, my laptop is behaving. At least you have a backup.

Melissa Keir said...

Computer issues leave me in a panic, but then so do car issues, esp. when I need to get somewhere and I can't!

Anna Taylor Sweringen said...

Computer crashes wins hands down. : (

Pamela S Thibodeaux said...

Oh what a scary incident. Scares the pants off me too!
My son gave me a new laptop and I've yet to move all of my files...hesitant to give this one up LOL!
Great post Vicki
Good luck and God's blessings to you and all

Ilona Fridl said...

When I have a problem with my computer, I go to my daughter who is an IT tech. I can't figure out this thing on my own.

Vicki Batman, sassy writer said...

Hi, Melissa! Panic is the perfect word. I am so paranoid I'll loose a doc. Car issues? I do better with.

Vicki Batman, sassy writer said...

Hi, Anna! Nowadays, we depend on computers for everything. I thought I was pretty kind to mine-no games, movies, tv, etc. Handsome says might be a lemon. oops.

Vicki Batman, sassy writer said...

Hi, Pamela! At least this breakdown I had some control over. Last year's--was horrid. Paying thousands to recover the harddrive was sick.

Vicki Batman, sassy writer said...

Hi, Ilona! Someone in my family is a big security tech with a big firm that has been around for decades. He came over and yelled at me. I was like not having that. So I just depend on me to get it fixed.