Thursday, February 28, 2019

Book and Bag: author Jana Richards - A very practical handbag and #newbook Child of Mine #readromance

I’m a very practical person and my handbags reflect that. Nothing flashy, just utilitarian. That’s not to say I don’t love a pretty bag, because I do. But how often would I use something cute and flashy and beaded, no matter how pretty? It’s not like I go to fancy affairs often. Or ever. Something useful and long-wearing suits me far better.

When my daughter bought me a purse online for Christmas a couple of years ago, she didn’t realize how big it was until it arrived. At first, I thought it was too big, but its size has turned out to be a bonus. I can carry everything I need in the thing, and then some.

I carry the usual stuff: wallet, cell phone, cheque book, comb. I always travel with a paperback or my ereader. You never know when you’ll be stuck waiting somewhere and will have a few moments to read. I also carry a small pharmacy with me. Whenever someone at work has a headache or stomach ache, they know who to come to. Need a tissue or a stick of gum? I’ve got you covered. Like a boy scout, I’m always prepared.

Having a large purse has its down side. When I can get carried away and stuff too many things in it, it gets so heavy I can barely lift it. Let’s face it, even on its best days, it’s too heavy. But I still enjoy it.

I usually use a purse until it falls apart. I’m hoping my big fabulous purse hangs together for a long time to come.

What’s the most unusual thing you carry in your purse?

Is Lauren’s love for Cole stronger than her fear of scandal in her hometown?

Lauren didn't intend to sleep with her brother-in-law Cole on the day of her husband's funeral. But now that she is pregnant, she's not sorry. Cole's given her a baby, a long-wished-for miracle. He's been her friend forever, though she never told him or anyone else how unhappy her marriage to his cheating brother was. And she's afraid to tell the small town that considered her husband a hero that the baby isn't his.
Cole's been in love with Lauren since he was sixteen. It kills him that everyone believes the baby is his dead brother's. All he wants is to claim the baby, and Lauren, as his own. Though she marries him, will Lauren's heart ever be his?
Lauren must tell the truth or risk losing Cole. 

More about Jana: When Jana Richards read her first romance novel, she immediately knew two things: she had to commit the stories running through her head to paper, and they had to end with a happily ever after. She also knew she’d found what she was meant to do. Since then she’s never met a romance genre she didn’t like. She writes contemporary romance, romantic suspense, and historical romance set in World War Two, in lengths ranging from short story to full length novel. Just for fun, she throws in generous helpings of humor, and the occasional dash of the paranormal. Her paranormal romantic suspense “Seeing Things” was a 2008 EPPIE finalist.
In her life away from writing, Jana is an accountant/admin assistant, a mother to two grown daughters, and a wife to her husband Warren. She enjoys golf, yoga, movies, concerts, travel and reading, not necessarily in that order. She and her husband live in Winnipeg, Canada with an elderly Pug/Terrier named cross Lou.

Find Jana Richards at: Website

Find Child of Mine at: Amazon 


Jana Richards said...

Vicki, thank you for having me on your blog today. To answer my own question, what's the most unusual thing you have in your purse, I just took another look into my purse, and I, um, found something unusual and kind of embarrassing. Last week I was at my doctor's office for my annual physical and I was subjected to the usual blood and urine lab tests while I was there. The lab also gave me an envelope containing a stool sample kit which I put in my purse and promptly forgot. Whoops! Luckily, thanks to your blog, Vicki, I examined the contents of my cavernous purse and found the envelope in there! Thanks for reminding me!

Vicki Batman, sassy writer said...

Hi, Jana! Delighted to have you. The kit would be the most interesting thing in a handbag. (I'm thinking an unused one--right?)

Since I change handbags about once a month, mine are cleaned more frequently. My most unusual thing would probably be Breath Savers wrappers. LOLOL

Jana Richards said...

Ah, yes. Most definitely an unused kit!

I have been known to have a few candy wrappers, cash register receipts and old grocery lists (AKA garbage) floating around in the bottom of my purse, too. Maybe I should try changing handbags more often, too. It would force me to clean it out more often. At the very least, I'd discover what I've forgotten in there!

Sandra Dailey said...

Jana, you remind me of my mother. She carries everything in her purse. Once, I actually saw her pull out a hammer.

Jana Richards said...

A hammer? A woman after my own heart! Thanks for the memory Sandra.

Vicki Batman, sassy writer said...

Sandra, my girlfriend had a Brighton Bucket bag - which is a pretty heavy bag without stuff in it - and she had filled it with so much stuff. Once she pulled a first aid kit from the bag. Later, she said something about her shoulder hurting. I was like yes, it should with all the stuff you've carried. She has since eliminated a lot.